I was born a processed food addict with the desire to eat and eat until I could not stand at times. Stealing, lying and cheating to get my “fix”. Read more….
Since day dot I was carrying excess weight, but that was the least of my problems!! By the age 14 the regular idea of suicide made its way into my thoughts. Read more….
Over the last two years, blessedly clean, abstinent, sober and increasing peace of mind one day at a time I have had the blessing to grow in myself, relationships with others and God as I understand him, recovery and practising what it is like to live a constructive useful life, one that is gradually moving away from selfishly fulfilling my own desires, wants and demanding expectations. Read more….
As a child every year at my annual physical I was told I needed to lose weight. I had no idea I had a disease until I was hooked on pain pills and found myself in rehab at age 28. Read more….
My mantra all my life had been “What’s wrong with me?” I had always felt different from everyone else, locked in my own world of shame and fear. Shame because I thought everyone knew my darkest secret, that I couldn’t stop eating enormous quantities of junk and high fat food. Read more….
All my life I have struggled with food and weight. It was a vicious cycle that was relentless and uncontrollable. Diets seemed to be working in the early days, but as time went on the days got shorter and shorter between binges. Read more….