Phone Meetings


Australia (Ph. 03 9028 0260   Access code: 863749#)

Brisbane, Queensland time:

Monday Big Book Meeting 7pm

Wednesday 12 Steps and 12 Traditions Meeting 8am

Friday Little Red Book Meeting 7.30am (30 minutes)

Saturday Big Book Meeting 9am 

USA (Ph. (667)-770-1669   Access code: 863749#)

Baltimore, EST:

Monday Big Book Meeting 4am

Tuesday 12 Steps and 12 Traditions Meeting 6pm

Thursday Little Red Book Meeting 4.30pm (30 minutes)

Friday Big Book Meeting 7pm

Face To Face Meetings


Monday 7.00pm (will be phone meeting only on 3 and 10 March 2025)

Big Book Meeting

CONTACT: 1300 833 212

Bulimba Library Meeting Room under the library down the stairs
219 Oxford Street *Please note, on 5 May and 6 October 2025, this will be a phone meeting only
Bulimba, BRISBANE QLD, 4171


Tuesday 6pm 

12 Steps and 12 Traditions Meeting

Please contact Karen-C: 443-769-7759 for meeting room location and more information

Hybrid face to face and phone meeting

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 

7401 Park Heights Ave, 

Baltimore, MD 21208